Hello there! I've been quite preoccupied for quite some time. We have opened our own Homebrewing Supply Store in our sweet little town of Carson City, Nv. Lots of my homemade projects are featured here in the store, along with handcrafted projects from more of our friends and family. We call this section of our store our "Made In Nevada" department. Here is the link to the website I designed for our store:
Just Brew ItI will be adding a store feature to our website...eventually. As in when I get around to it :)
Along with all that goodness, I'm planning on spending some time really figuring out this whole "blog thing" and adding some tutorials and making this a fun site to come and visit.
I have a lot of sewing projects that I'm working on right now including baseball pants for my friend's children (her little ones are on the same T-ball team as my son, yay!), refashioning several of Loafie's shirts and dresses for summertime since they still fit, swim suits, curtains for a closet, and several half started projects that I really need to just finish!