Friday, January 15, 2010

New Dress for Loafie from an Outgrown Onesie

Tada! I amputated the bottom part of a onesie she had outgrown and added a coordinating skirt from denim I had lying around in my fabric stash. (It was actually set in the pile of "to become memory boads") I'm going to take the former bottom part of the onesie and add elastic to become bloomers, and maybe add some ruffles to the butt. I didn't hem the bottom of the skirt part, instead I just sewed slighted away from the edge so the denim will fray for a "cut-offs" look. Also, I left the skirt part a bit longer, because I figure she'll probably wear this more in the summer time, and she seems to be on the taller side.
Check out the actual tutorial here:

And the blog that I found the link to the tutorial on:
Craft Gossip has new turtorials on sewing fun things and upcycling every day! Make sure you have lots of free time before you check out that site, you're likely to get sucked in!

And here she is a day later, rockin out in her new dress to the only thing she likes to watch on tv: Santana

1 comment:

  1. Little girlfriend is delighted!
    She seems to sense that this is a special creation, adding the for me gesture!

    I googled "outgrown onesie" and tada.
    Thank you for sharing. It's a great idea.

    Now here’s a reason to slice down the middle front of an outgrown denim (any) jumper.
    Back of jumper stays as is.
    Google Image "Bolero Vest" to take a peek at where we’re heading.

    Place right and left front halves on top of each other.
    Midway down the cut edge, cut on a curve sloping downwards,
    from middle area to side seam.

    Increase the size of garment by adding equal amounts of fabric/crochet stitches/ruffles to each side as needed.

    Enjoy your new vest & … Ole!
