Hello there! I hope your Mother's Day was as wonderful as mine! My son came in to our room in the morning and brought me a card and bag puppet he'd made at school, along with a magnet that has his picture hidden within the bag. Then, he and my hubby picked a vase full of tulips from the back yard! They are so beautiful. We then went and bought me a fishing license and traveled to the next town over where my brother-in-law lives. He and his girlfriend put on a delightful brunch for her parents and his and they had chocolates and floral arrangements for the moms (her mom and grandma, his mom, and myself) along with lots of delicious food. After brunch, we stopped by the fishing pond on the way home, but it was too cold and windy so we headed back home. On the way back home, we came up with the brilliant idea to go to the hot springs so we stopped by our house really quick for suits and off we went! Upon paying admission at the hot springs, we found out moms get in free for Mother's Day. Yippee! We spent a couple hours there playing and having fun. When we were all to hot to stay in any longer (and hubby was too hungry!) we stopped by the supermarket and grabbed some artichokes that were on sale. Hubby cooked up a delicious mushroom alfredo sauce and served the artichokes and a sweet potato on the side. Yummy! My mom showed up shortly after dinner (she's staying with us a couple of days on her way back home to Oregon) and after she was somewhat settled in, we went back to the hot springs for another hour or two. We had a wonderful, fun, relaxing day (we even closed our store for the day) and I still plan to get some fishing in sometime soon :)
Sounds like a great day! I had a great first mother's day! thank you for joining Monday Meetup!